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- HR Development | PT. HTI
HR Development PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia continues to pay attention to the development of skills and knowledge of Human Resources. In creating quality, superior and professional Human Resources PT. Hikari provides facilities in the following activities: 1. Existence of Extension Program 2. Training of each skill competency 3. Socialization and Seminar 4. Gathering and Outing And some Other Skills Programs With this activity, we (PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia) strive to advance the skills and knowledge of our employees to become more competent so that we are able to produce quality and highly competitive products in the production market.
- Company Gallery | PT. HTI
Company Gallery Head Office PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia is located at Jl. Raya Sukomulyo Km.23 Manyar, Gresik. By carrying the purple color which has the meaning of prosperity and glory for the continuity of its business wheels. PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia also has workshop facilities for working on its business fields which are divided into 3 locations namely Workshop 1, Workshop 2, and Workshop 3. PT. Hikari Technology Indonesia Workshop 1 is located at the Head Office of PT. Hikari Technology Indonesia Workshop 2 is at PT. Optima Power Enersol
- Profile | PT. HTI
Beranda -> Profil perusahaan ( Sejarah Perusahaa) Profile PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia was established on November 6, 2014 in accordance with Notary Deed Number 01 with Notary Drs. Mokhammad Husni Thamri, SH,. M.Kn dated November 6, 2014 regarding the establishment and change of name to "PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia or abbreviated as PT HTI with the business fields of general contractor, labor, supplier of consumables. PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia always makes the best efforts to meet customer needs consistently with continuous improvement programs. PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia has also obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification for its quality management system, and has successfully implemented an occupational safety and health management system in accordance with the laws enacted by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on Occupational Health and Safety and the management system ISO 45001 : 2018. Strive to be consistent with the support of skilled, dedicated, professional, and experienced personnel. So that PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia has been trusted by several national companies. We strive to provide comprehensive solutions to the construction business, supplai materials, consumer goods, industrial machinery manufacturing business that we have. Project Water tank 10.000KL Project Water tank 10.000KL Project Water tank 10.000KL Project Water tank 10.000KL 1/3
CSR PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia realizes that the company has a social responsibility towards the surrounding environment. Therefore PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia runs a CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility program. CSR funds are obtained from setting aside 2% from company profits which will be spent in the form of procurement/improvement of public facilities, basic necessities, religion or in the form of fresh funds distributed as educational assistance. Our CSR objectives are: 1. Maintain and improve the image of the company 2. Creating a conducive and harmonious environment between the company and communities around the company's activities 3. Strengthening the “Brand” of the company 4. Develop good relations with stakeholders (stakeholders) 5. Differentiating the company from its competitors 6. Generate innovation and learning to increase company influence
- Strategic Plan | PT. HTI
Vision, Mission and Corporate Value EXPERT A training program that will improve and produce appropriate and superior human resources who are competent, dedicated, and highly motivated. GCG The application of the principle of responsibility in decision-making and good corporate governance that results in well-planned management and organization. TRUSTED Maintain company values between management and employees in helping the organization to achieve all the desired results together. COMPETENT Compete in this era of globalization by increasing our target market both nationally and internationally.
PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia opens wide opportunities for experts and skilled workers to join our company. As well as being able and having the desire to increase competence in accordance with the required field. Let's join and have a career with PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia. Career PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia To apply please click below to view and register available vacancies. VACANCY AVAILABLE
- CSR Program | PT. HTI
CSR Program In 2022 CSR activities of PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia is directed at 6 main target areas, namely economic programs, health programs, education programs, public infrastructure programs, religious programs and participation programs. 1. Economics Program Assistance program to improve the economy of independent communities through the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). 2. Health Program The company's program of innovation activities in improving public health, namely in the form of assistance: _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf7894d-1365 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Program for adding medical devices Drainage health program Trash giving program Clean & Healthy Behavior Program (PHBS) 3. Education Program Education Fund Assistance Program, namely in the form of: Participate in providing training programs according to certain fields to schools around the company Educational funding assistance in commemoration of the month of Ramadan 1442 H which consists of donations for Hari Raya in the form of cash and Eid gifts 4. Religious Programs Community programs associated with religious holidays during the month of Ramadhan 1442 H and Eid al-Adha 1442 H which have been distributed to mosques, prayer rooms and Islamic foundations in Gresik. 5. Public Infrastructure Program In the field of infrastructure and public infrastructure, the company has played an active role in assisting the community in efforts to repair roads in the environment around the company, both in the form of compacting rural roads, installing village road paving, construction of village patrol posts and mosques and other activities that can help the surrounding community in carrying out environmental activities around the PT. Hikari Technology Indonesia. The assistance provided was in the form of cash and materials. 6. Participation Program The company also disburses participation funds to support educational activities and government agency activities.
- E-Recruitment | PT. HTI
Hiden E-Recruitment Foreman Inspection urgent KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Requirements Senior high school or SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). Having experience above 8 years in Mechanical/Electrica! Inspection in a manufacturing, petrochemical or industrial company. Relevant technical knowledge. Problem-solving skills. Able to work in shift mode. Life surrounding East Java: Gresik, Surabaya, etc (preferable). Applicant must be willing to work in Gresik, East Java. Skilled Worker Inspection KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Requirements Senior high school or SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). Having experience 5 years in mechanical/electrical inspection in a manufacturing, petrochemical or industrial company. Relevant technical knowledge. Problem-solving skills. Able to work in shift mode. Life surrounding East Java: Gresik, Surabaya, etc (preferable). Applicant must be willing to work in Gresik, East Java. Staff Engineer KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Requirements Maks Usia 40 Tahun Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya gelar Diploma atau Sarjana Mesin/Sipil Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun Keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik; Mahir software Navis dan PDMS Diutamakan Bahasa Inggris Aktif Domisli Gresik dan Sekitarnya Jobs Description Membuat Drawing SD Modeling dengan Software Navis Membuat Drawing SD Modeling dengan PDMS Mempresentasikan kepada Klien Menyelesaikan Drawing sesuai Jadwal yang ditentukan QC Civil & Structure KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Requirements Candidate must posses at least Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering Minimum 2 years relevant experience in concrete/earthwork/structure in EPC company Good communication and interpersonal skill; Familiar with Ms. Office/CAD & other computer programs Excellent knowledge of construction methods and standard approvals; Daily English communication skill (oral and written) Be able to read and understand detailed civil and structural drawings Willing to be placed on site and fabricator in Gresik Area; Can Join Immediately Jobs Description Monitor all test activities and final inspection. Coordinate with the Supervisor for any problems related to the quality of the results. Responsible for handling product repairs / complaints regarding product quality and re-inspection activities. Monitor the quality of materials and production results by comparing standard quality. Civil Engineer KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Pendidikan Minimal S1 Teknik Sipil Umur Maksimal 40 Tahun Pengalaman minimal 3 Tahun dibidang proyek EPC industri (oil & gas, mining, dll) Mampu merencanakan dan mengaplikasikan gambar teknis Paham dan pengalaman di dokumen estimasi volume & biaya (BOQ, RAB, dan RAP) Mampu mengoperasikan software Autocad dan software analisa SAP 2000 Memiliki kemampuan berfikir secara metode, perencanaan, analitis, dan leadership Memahami standar civil terkait SNI, ASCE, ACI, dll Deskripsi Pekerjaan Melakukan site survey (jika diperlukan) untuk pembuatan skets konsep drawing Menjelaskan ke drafter rencana drawing, mereview, dan menyetujui hasilnya Melakukan pengawasan monitoring mulai dari drawing, fabrication, installation atau construction sampai project delivery Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bekerjasama secara efektif dengan subkontraktor, kontraktor, rekan kerja, dan klien Mechanical Engineer KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Mesin, Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang yang sama. Usia minimal 25 tahun. Memiliki sertifikasi AK3 umum yang valid. Diutamakan memiliki keahlian dalam heat exchanger maintenance. Mampu dan familiar menggunakan Ms. Office dan SAP. Menguasai dan memahami dasar aplikasi AutoCAD dan 3D Modeling. Menguasai dan memahami Dasar Perhitungan kekuatan Tanki, Pressure Vessel dan Perpipaan. Deskripsi Pekerjaan Membuat dokumen spesifikasi dan datasheet mechanical baik static maupun rotating, pembuatan mechanical design basis, perhitungan mechanical strength, dan memahami mechanical standard drawings. Melakukan perhitungan teknis terhadap peralatan mekanikal seperti Pompa, Kompresor, Pressure Vessel, Tanki, Pipeline dan lain lain Melakukan inspeksi dan pengukuran data di lapangan apabila diperlukan Bersama-sama dengan Engineer Manager menyiapkan proposal untuk penawaran tender baik yang bersifat teknis, commersial, maupun administratif. QC Mechanical KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya gelar Diploma atau Sarjana Mesin Teknik Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang fabrikasi baja perusahaan EPC Keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik; Familiar dengan Ms. Office/CAD & program komputer lainnya. Pengetahuan yang sangat baik tentang metode konstruksi dan persetujuan standar; Keterampilan komunikasi bahasa Inggris sehari-hari (lisan dan tulisan) Mampu membaca dan memahami detail gambar sipil dan struktur Bersedia ditempatkan di site dan fabrikator di Area Gresik; Bisa Segera Bergabung Deskripsi Pekerjaan Inspeksi Hasil Fabrikasi Mengawasi kepatuhan terhadap spesifikasi, kode, standar, dan peraturan proyek yang terkait dengan sistem Membuat laporan yang menyoroti temuan, penyimpangan, dan tindakan perbaikan yang diambil atau diperlukan. Membuat catatan inspeksi sesuai WIR (Laporan Inspeksi Kerja) RFI (Permintaan Inspeksi), pengujian, dan ketidaksesuaian. Supervisor Civil KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Laki-laki Usia maksimal 40 tahun D3- S1 Teknik Sipil Pengalaman mínimal 3 tahun Memahami Drawing Bisa Autocad dan Office Memiliki JIka leadership Deskripsi Pekerjaan Pengawasan Project dan Scedhule sesuai Planning Daily report Bikin progres pekerjaan Monitoring schedule Monitoring material dan planing material yang di butuhkan di site Marketing & Pemasaran, Public Relation KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Perempuan Jurusan S1 Management, Marketing pemasaran, Public Relation. Berpengalaman minimal 2 s.d 3 Tahun diposisi yang sama di perusahaan kontraktor Mahir berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia secara lancar Memahami alur proses bisnis dalam bisnis kontraktor Mampu mengoprasikan Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) Memiliki jaringan relasi yang luas Berpenampilan menarik menjadi nilai tambah Deskripsi Pekerjaan Mengembangkan & merealisasikan rencana marketing serta targetnya Menyusun proposal sesuai dengan spesifikasi pekerjaan yang diajukan Melakukan penawaran harga dan negosiasi dengan klien. Memiliki kemampuan analisis yang kuat serta mampu menjalin relasi baik dengan klien Melakukan riset dan analisa pasar untuk pengambilan keputusan. Drafter Civil KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Pendidikan minimal D3 Teknik Sipil/Setara Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun dalam posisi drafter sipil di perusahaan kontraktor Menguasai dan memahami aplikasi Autocad, 3D Modeling, Tekla, Ms Office dan lainnya Dapat membaca gambar teknis Memahami pembuatan BQ material dari gambar teknis Mampu bekerja secara jujur, cekatan, dan teliti Dapat Bekerja secara efisien & efektif Dapat Bekerjasama dengan baik dan berkomunikasi dengan baik Diutamakan domisili Gresik dan sekitarnya Deskripsi Pekerjaan Mengoperasikan software teknis (autocad dan tekla) Membuat shop drawing dan fabrication drawing untuk pekerjaan sipil & struktur Membuat estimasi BQ atas gambar yang dibuat Melakukan inspeksi & data dilapangan bisa diperlukan Surveyor KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Laki-laki Usia maksimal 40 tahun D3- S1 Teknik Geomatika Pengalaman mínimal 3 tahun Bisa membaca Drawing Bisa Office Memiliki Skill Total station, waterpass, teodolite Diutamakan bisa Autocad Deskripsi Pekerjaan Melakukan Marking Memastikan keakuratan data yang didapatkan dari survei, termasuk pengukuran dan perhitungannya Melakukan penetapan elevasi pada kedalaman galian pondasi hingga ketinggian plafon sehingga pembangunan sesuai penilaian awal Melakukan penetapan titik batas area proyek yang sudah ditetapkan di awal Membuat laporan mengenai hasil pengamatan ukuran tanah kepada pekerja teknik sipil dan pekerjaan konstruksi Drafter Mechanical KLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR Kualifikasi Pendidikan minimal S1 Mechanical Engineering Usia minimal 25 Tahun Memiliki pengalaman di posisi Mechanical Drafter di perusahaan kontraktor selama minimal 3 tahun Menguasai dan memahami aplikasi Autocad, 3D Modelling, Microsoft Office, dan lainnya. Dapat membaca gambar teknis. Mampu bekerja secara jujur, cekatan dan teliti. Dapat menyelesaikan semua tugas dengan baik cepat dan tepat waktu. Memiliki kemampuan bekerja sama dengan tim dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik. Deskripsi Pekerjaan Mengoperasikan software teknis Membuat gambar desain dan gambar kerja Membuat estimasi berat material atas gambar yang dibuat Melakukan inspeksi dan pengukuran data di lapangan apabila diperlukan